Heavy metals generally refer to metals with a density greater than 4.5 g / cm3, mainly including mercury, cadmium, lead, chromium, vanadium, manganese, copper, zinc and nickel. Heavy metals are important elements in the earth's crust. They are widely distributed in nature and migrate, transform and circulate in the natural environment. Heavy metals in water mainly come from two parts: natural source and man-made source. The concentration of heavy metals entering the water body through natural circulation is generally low, which will not affect human health. Anthropogenic source is the main cause of heavy metal pollution in water body. Due to some human factors, a large number of heavy metals are discharged into the environment and accumulated continuously, which makes them far beyond the background content of the environment, thus causing serious heavy metal pollution. Waste water and waste residue containing heavy metal ions will be produced in the process of mining, metallurgy, petrochemical, electronic production, tanning and other industrial production processes. Metallurgy and mining are the most important sources of heavy metal pollution. Water flowing through the soil polluted by heavy metals and atmospheric deposition containing heavy metals into the water, can also make the content of heavy metals in the water increase sharply, and further aggravate the heavy metal pollution of water body.
With the continuous migration and transformation of heavy metals in water, their forms may change, and they may be adsorbed by colloidal substances in water. The concentration of heavy metals changes with the change of pH and water temperature. However, heavy metals can not be biodegraded, so the total amount of heavy metals in water will not be reduced. Some of the heavy metals in the water are absorbed by aquatic organisms and amplified in the food chain, and may be transformed into more toxic forms and finally enriched in the human body; drinking water containing heavy metals directly or eating crops irrigated with water containing heavy metals will also cause heavy metals to enter the human body. Heavy metals can cause irreversible changes in protein structure and protein function, thus affecting the normal metabolic activities of human body, leading to the occurrence of various diseases and disorders of the body. Minamata disease and osteodynia disease are all caused by heavy metal poisoning. Among them, Minamata disease is caused by mercury in wastewater discharged from factories. Mercury is converted into methyl mercury in vivo after being eaten by aquatic organisms. The toxicity of methyl mercury is 100 times that of mercury. Moreover, methylmercury is more easily soluble in fat and mainly invades the central nervous system.
3. Common treatment methods of heavy metal wastewater
The traditional methods of treating wastewater containing heavy metals include chemical precipitation, ion exchange, membrane separation, adsorption and biological methods.
3.1 chemical precipitation method

Chemical precipitation method is to add the reaction agent suitable for the mechanism of action to the wastewater, so that the dissolved heavy metal ions in water can be transformed into insoluble metal compounds, and then separated from the water. This method has the advantages of mature technology, simple operation and low treatment cost, but it is easy to cause secondary pollution, and the main influencing factor is pH. The insoluble salt precipitation method includes sulfide precipitation method, carbonate precipitation method and barium salt precipitation method. Its main advantage is that the pH value of the treated wastewater is about 7 ~ 9, and there is no need for neutralization treatment. Moreover, the heavy metals in the wastewater can be recovered, which has certain economic benefits. The ferrite method is mainly to add iron salt or ferrous salt to the wastewater containing heavy metal ions to form ferrite. Through adsorption, encapsulation and entrainment, the heavy metal ions form composite ferrite precipitation. This method has been widely used in industry due to its mild treatment conditions, large amount of treatment, obvious treatment effect and recovery of magnetic materials.
3.2 ion exchange method
Ion exchange method is a method to separate the exchangeable genes in ion exchanger and heavy metal ion exchange ability in wastewater. The commonly used ion exchangers are cation exchange resin, anion exchange resin, chelating resin, humic acid resin, etc. Ion exchange method can selectively separate heavy metal ions from wastewater, and the recovery of heavy metal ions can be realized through regeneration and recovery of regeneration solution. It also has the advantages of large exchange capacity and good reversibility of adsorption regeneration, but its application scope is limited and it is easy to cause secondary pollution.
3.3 membrane separation method
Membrane separation is a method that uses a special semi permeable membrane to separate and concentrate solute and solvent without changing the chemical form of solution under external pressure. According to the different membrane can be divided into diffusion dialysis, electrodialysis, reverse osmosis, liquid membrane, nanofiltration, ultrafiltration and so on. Membrane separation technology has the advantages of low energy consumption, no phase change, simple operation, no secondary pollution and easy recovery of separation products. At present, it has been widely used in the treatment of heavy metal wastewater at home and abroad. Hafez et al. Used reverse osmosis membrane to recover chromium from wastewater. The average recovery of chromium was up to 99.8%. However, there are some problems in membrane separation, such as high price of membrane module and membrane pollution.
3.4 adsorption method
Adsorption method is to use various active groups on the surface of porous adsorbent to form ionic bond or covalent bond with heavy metal ions in wastewater to adsorb heavy metal ions on the surface of adsorbent, so as to achieve the purpose of adsorption of metal ions. Activated carbon is a traditional adsorbent, which has a large specific surface area, strong adsorption capacity and high removal rate of heavy metals. Jiang Yujuan [8] in the experiment of using activated carbon to treat the wastewater containing heavy metal complex nickel, the removal rate of nickel ion reached 95.65%. In recent years, the research of adsorption method is mainly to find more cheap and efficient adsorbents. Many studies at home and abroad have found that biomaterials have good adsorption capacity for heavy metals, such as banana peel, kumquat leaf, peanut shell, brown